Monday, September 27, 2010

Electricity Safety Outside Your Home

To keep yourself and family members safe around electricity OUTSIDE your home, it's important to observe the following basic safety rules:
- Never trim or remove trees yourself near power lines. Hire a trained qualified crew to do the work.
- Avoid planting new trees where they might grow into an overhead power line.
- Never use electrical tools if your hands or feet are wet or if you are standing on damp ground.
- Look up and check the clearance from overhead lines in all directions before installing or removing an antenna for TV or radio, or before using a ladder or a skimming rod to clean a swimming pool.
- If you are planting trees, installing a sprinkler system or working on any other project that involves digging, call MISS DIG at 911. Use this number to locate all underground utility lines.
- Teach children never to climb trees or fly kites near overhead lines.
- If an overhead line falls on your car as a result of an accident, stay in the car if you can and wait for help.
- If you must exit the car, jump away from it as far as you can, being careful not to touch the ground and the car at the same time.
- If you see a broken or fallen overhead line, assume it is "live" and call 911 immediately.if a kite, metallic balloon, or model airplane gets caught in a power line. Never try to retrieve it yourself!
- Use only non-metallic string or cord to fly kites.
- Keep children away from transformers and other utility equipment.

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