Thursday, May 13, 2010

Sheet metal worker receives crushing injuries to both hands

A sheet metal mechanic received crushing injuries to both hands while using a mechanical brake press. The worker was standing on a narrow wooden duckboard while using the brake press to make custom enclosure pieces. The surface of the duckboard was chipped and damaged on the edges. With the piece of sheet metal in position on the brake press die, the worker used his right foot on the brake press pedal to initiate the bend. The worker lost his balance and fell towards the brake press. He caught both his hands between the ram and die. As well as getting both hands crushed, the worker lost a finger.
An investigation found that the brake press did not have point of operation safeguarding (e.g., a guard) to prevent the worker's hands from entering between the ram and the die. Other factors in the accident included the worker's loss of balance while operating the pedal, and the lack of safe work procedures for operating the press without the point of operation safeguarding in place.
Safe work practices:
Employers should
-Retrofit machinery to allow for safeguarding options that will accommodate custom work processes.
-Develop, implement, and post safe work procedures for operating equipment without point of operation safeguarding in place.
Workers should
-Operate equipment with point of operation safeguarding in place whenever practicable when performing custom work.
-Read and follow safe work procedures.
-Be aware of slipping and tripping hazards.

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