Friday, April 9, 2010

Electrical Inspection Safety Suggestions

from Rex Cauldwell, a Master Electrician
OPINION-RC: "As a master electrician, here is how I teach opening a service panel in my seminars: "The lucky 7""
Eye protection: Wear safety glasses--electrical panels have been know to explode upon opening.
Insulating gloves: Wear rubber dishwashing gloves--panels have been known to become electrically hot as a screw falls when cover is removed.
Look before touching: Don't approach the panel until you give an overall look of the surrounding area to see if anything looks wrong--such as water on the floor under the panel.
Avoid Shock Pathways: Don't have any part of your body touching items adjacent to the panel.
Insulating floor pad: On a concrete or dirt floor, lay down a thick rubber Welcome mat and stand on it as you open the panel (wear rubber-soled shoes).
Insulating tools: Use insulated handle tools--I use a Milwaukee electric screwdriver.
Panel Door & Screws: Once door is open (in a Federal Pacific panel (and some other models) beware of falling trim and breakers that pop out), set door aside and don't lose the screws
Further Safety Warning--DF: these are helpful electrical safety suggestions from an experienced electrician. No list of suggestions is incomplete and these presume that they are being followed by an experienced, licensed electrician.
For example, there are almost certainly gloves and/or boots specifically recommended for this application; there are specific safety details to look at and for before touching an electrical panel, and procedures for using electrical test equipment to test or examine a suspect electrical panel.

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