Thursday, December 27, 2007

ايمني مسأله دست چندم نيست

.ايمني در حيات مادي بشر نقش اصلي و اساسي دارد
بشر جهت رسيدن به رستگاري در مسير حيات مادي و محل امتحان خويش در معرض و مواجهه با انواع خطرات و آسيب ها است بشر در حيات مادي و معنوي خود هرگز تنها نيست بلكه رمز امنيت و آرامش و موفقيت و رستگاري او حس زيست جمعي و اجتماعي اوست। بشر در حيات مادي و در اين زيست اجتماعي خود نيازمند به ايمني است. اين امر نيز جز با اجتماعي زيستن او تمديد نخواهد شد. تاريخ ايمني با تاريخ خلقت بشر همگون و همراه است. بشر به اين دليل اجتماعي زندگي مي كند كه احساس امنيت بيشتري مي كند و كمتر آسيب پذير است. مدنيت و شهر نشيني به شكل امروزي ، در راستاي همين نياز و خواست بشري ايجاد شده است. اكنون به نظر مي رسد آنچه انگيزه بشر براي تأمين امنيت و ايمني او بوده است ، شهر نشيني و مدنيت خود به صورت يكي از عللل و عوامل نا ايمني و ترس و هراس او در آمده است و انسان متمدن امروزي از ناحيه مدني بودن خويش دچار آسيب و گزند و حادثه شده است!! بنابر اين در جهان امروز بايد علل و عواملي را كه امنيت و ايمني بشر را دچار مخاطره مي نمايند دقيقاً طبقه بندي نمود و اضافه بر نفسانيات بشر كه ايمني خود و جامعه او را دچار آسيب مي نمايد به عنوان يك عامل مهم انساني ، زلزله ، سيل ، آتشفشان و علل و عواملي كه در واقع ريشه انساني ندارند و ريشه طبيعي و مادي دارند ، را نيز به عنوان گروهي ديگر طبقه بندي نمود و اضافه بر اين دسته ديگري را كه حاصل زندگي علمي و تكنولوژيك بشر است ، را بر اين دو افزود مانند برق گرفتگي و... در مقابل كثرت وتنوع خطرات و آسيب هاي موجود در مي يابيم كه خصوصاً در عصر ما ايمني مي تواند و بايد از اهميت ويژه اي برخوردار باشد. امروزه امر ايمني در جهان متمدن و پيشرفته داراي اهميت فوق العاده و درجه اولي است چنانكه مثلاً در ساخت ابزار و وسايل و تجهيزات تكنولوژيك نوين ، سازندگان مدعي مي شوند كه وسايل ساخته آنان از بالاترين درصد ايمني و ضريب اطمينان برخوردار است
برگرفته از : ايمني در جهان امروز- كاروكارگر

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Electrical Safety Laws in Scotland

In May 2005, a new system was brought in to enforce the Building Regulations in Scotland. It aims to improve the standard of building work. The new system includes rules for electrical installations, which has been controlled by the Building Regulations for many years. Under the new system, any electrical work carried out under a building warrant (the legal permission you need from the local authority to start building work) will either have to be approved by a registered installer (known formally as an ‘approved certifier’) or be checked by the local authority.
What electrical work is covered by the rules?
Any electrical work carried out under a building warrant. It is the responsibility of the person who orders the work (normally the person who owns the building), to find out if they need a building warrant. Your local authority will be able to give you advice about whether you need one for work you want to have done. However, it is likely that electrical work in new buildings, existing flats and in maisonettes and houses with more than two storeys, will have to meet the rules. You can get more information on this by visiting the Scottish Building Standard’s website at .
Who is responsible for making sure that new electrical work meets the rules of the building standards system in Scotland?
By law, homeowners and landlords have to be able to prove that all new electrical installations and any changes to existing electrical installations meet the rules. Your local authority has the power to force you to remove or alter work that does not meet the rules.
What should I do when I need electrical installation work carried out in my property?
There are two options. You can:
•employ an electrician that is registered with one of the government-approved scheme providers to carry out the work. These electricians are known as ‘registered installers’; or
•let your local authority check and approve the work when it has been done.
The Electrical Safety Council recommends that homeowners use a registered installer for all electrical installation work. See ‘How do I find a registered installer in Scotland’ for details of approved scheme operators.
The advantages of using a registered installer.
•The installer can deal with all the rules for you.
•The installer will provide you with certificates to confirm that the work they have carried out meets the rules and was carried out by a competent electrician (see ‘Does it matter who carries out electrical installation work in my property?’).
•You will get a refund on part of the fee for your building warrant.
•You will have access to a formal complaints procedure if the work doesn’t meet the rules.
How will I benefit from the new Building Standards system?
If you use a registered installer, you can expect to have safer, better-quality electrical installation work because they will work to the UK national standard BS 7671 (Requirements for Electrical Installations) and the Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004. When the work is finished you will be given certificates confirming that the installation meets these legal standards.
The certificates will be:
•a Certificate of Construction (Electrical Installations to BS 7671) that confirms that the installation meets the rules; and
•an Electrical Installation Certificate or Minor Works Certificate, that confirms that the installation meets BS 7671.
Does it matter who carries out electrical installation work in my property?
Yes. It is important that electrical installation work is only carried out by people who are competent. This means people who have the knowledge, skill and experience needed to avoid dangers electricity can cause them and others. It’s easy to make an electrical circuit work but it’s far harder to make the circuit work safely.
Safety for you in your home is very important. So, we strongly recommend that you use a registered installer to carry out any electrical installation work you need. Registered installers will always work to the UK national standard BS 7671 (Requirements for Electrical Installations), and will issue a safety certificate for their electrical work to confirm that the installation has been designed, built, inspected and tested in line with that standard. This includes making any changes to an existing installation.

فراغت از كار روزانه و استفاده از طبيعت

عكس هاي فوق مربوط به آبشار لوه واقع در جنگل گلستان و منطقه حفاظت شده زاغمرز درشهرستان بهشهر مي باشد

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

گوهرهاي انديشه

.معاشرت بر دانسته ها مي افزايد ، ولي تنهايي مكتب نبوغ است
.آفت دانش ، بكار نبستن دانش و آفت كار دلبستگي نداشتن به آن است
.آن گاه كه در باره موضوعي كه نسبت به آن اطلاعي سطحي داريد ، لب به سخن مي گشاييد ، بي دانشي خود را به مخاطبان ابلاغ مي كنيد
.هر آدم به خوبي جيزي است كه دوست دارد
.ايفاي وظيفه ،جاده اي است كه كوهستاني ، به سوي خدا
.نقطه شروع همه موفقيت ها ، شور و اشتياق است
.هيچ چيز به اندازه ، رنج و سختي روح انسان را بزرگ و متعالي نمي سازد
.ثروت دانا ، علم و دانش اوست